Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The one thing I miss about Winter Weather...

This post has absolutely nothing to do with the MBA program, other than someday I hope to have a vacation place where I might be able to recreate this childhood love.  

I grew up in Michigan, just outside Detroit and for anyone that has never been there...well...it's get COLD in the winter. And the winter lasts a long time.  When you live there, you can take one of two approaches to life
  1. Stay inside and complain about the weather from November to April.
  2. Go outside and learn to enjoy all the great things you can do in the snow and ice.  
I actively choose the latter.  And one of the things I love the most was going down to the pond/river in the neighborhood and playing outdoor hockey.  We played all day, until our hands and toes nearly froze off....and WE LOVED IT!!  

This morning I woke up to that wonderful picture above, right out in my backyard. As you might be able to notice, there is a big pond in my backyard. But because this is North Carolina, and weather like this is a complete fluke and doesn't last long, I am consistently robbed of being able to relive some childhood memories, just 50 yards from my back porch. Then I read ESPN Hockey analyst John Buccigross has put his backyard rink back up and is blogging about it again. Sigh!!

364 days a year I love the NC weather. But every once in a while, I wouldn't mind a little diversity. Never the less, my kids had a great day making snow angels and building snowmen, so all's well that ends well.