Sunday, March 8, 2009

T-minus 2 months to International Trips

Our international trips are starting to get more and more real. This weekend was the final date to get in all paperwork for visas (and whatever else we signed off on). It's now just two months away. It's still a long time before the WFU MBA classes (all programs) head off to China, Japan or South America (Brazil/Argentina/Chile), but the level of discussion and anticipation is definitely starting to rise. (NOTE: The India trip was cancelled due to lack of interest. Unfortunately, the "final choice" date happened just a few weeks after the Mumbai bombings, so I suspect the uncertainly doomed the trip. It's too bad, it sounded like a very interesting adventure.)

Personally, I'll be heading to China. We're going to Beijing, Xian, Shenghai, and Hong Kong, and the trip lasts roughly 14 days. I'm already starting to make some plans with friends in Shenghai (from high-school and previous jobs), but I'm woefully behind my New Year's resolution to learn some basic Mandarin. Note to self - get on the stick and order that Level 1 Rosetta Stone Chinese this week!!

It should be a great trip for everyone. The China trip has about 45 students, and only 6-7 from the EXFT class, so it'll be a great chance to meet about 40 new people from our Full-Time, Evening and Charlotte programs. And to have an experience like this with all these new people is exactly why this was one of the top reasons I decided to go back and get my MBA after all these years.