- Manufacturing in the US is dead or dying.
- The Internet is completely changing all forms of media, and the old ones will be dead soon.
I've written about the impending death of the paper newspaper, and I think it's time to start collecting facts and stories to write the obituary for broadcast TV. I'm calling it right now...it'll be dead within 10yrs. How do I know this?
- It took about 10yrs for the Internet to kill the newspaper industry
- It took 5-10yrs for the Internet (VoIP) to kill the voice revenues of the telephone industry
- And with announcements like this starting to pop up, it's time to start the 10yr timer for broadcast TV.
For anyone that is in the content creation business, this is an inflection point. The online opportunities are now going to happen fast & furious. You can stop thinking about distribution via broadcast networks and cable, and start only focusing on Internet and mobile devices. Potentially some great new business opportunities for WFU MBA students with start-up ideas.
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