Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing bad vs. good things

Within the Exec MBA class of 2009, I'm sort of the outspoken "Internet Guy". There are others in the class that do work related to technology, but I'm primarily of the one that waves the flag for all the things the Internet could do...especially as it relates to changing business.

"The Internet" is a pretty amazing thing. It's been a lot of fun over the past 15 years to work on Internet-related projects. In terms of the scope of man-made things that have had as much impact on the world, I suppose it's right up there with democracy, the wheel, the assembly line, and the atomic bomb.

But sometimes I wonder if the pace at which the Internet moves and changes is a good thing for mankind. It's a pros and cons list that I think about quite often.

This video is a good reminder that sometimes we need to put the impact of the Internet on our lives in perspective. Yes, the Internet has allowed people to do some amazing things (collect the world's information, visit friends and family without leaving the house, learn things that otherwise we couldn't afford, connect with old friends, help the world's poor), but it's also changed our perspective on time and scope.

It's good to step back from time and time and put some things in perspective....