Part IV - Recognizing Value
Part III - Educating Customers
Part II - Healthy Lifestyles
Part I - The Big Picture
Building on our Global Strategy course this weekend, I have to wonder if Strategy is a crowdsourable activity? On the surface, it would seem to be too complex a task to expect a disconnected group to be able to coordinate. Maybe the high-level strategy needs to be well understood (ie. a framework), and then crowdsourcing could fill in the blanks and shape the direction.
But could the entire strategy for a consumer product be crowdsourced? To a certain extent, this is what happens with consumer surveys, polling and focus groups all the time. But those are typically looking for a level of validation for an existing product/strategy. So how could you interest others to want to create a new strategy?
I'm interested in hearing any and all feedback or experience on this point.
Building on our Global Strategy course this weekend, I have to wonder if Strategy is a crowdsourable activity? On the surface, it would seem to be too complex a task to expect a disconnected group to be able to coordinate. Maybe the high-level strategy needs to be well understood (ie. a framework), and then crowdsourcing could fill in the blanks and shape the direction.
But could the entire strategy for a consumer product be crowdsourced? To a certain extent, this is what happens with consumer surveys, polling and focus groups all the time. But those are typically looking for a level of validation for an existing product/strategy. So how could you interest others to want to create a new strategy?
I'm interested in hearing any and all feedback or experience on this point.